Intern or Volunteer in DC with the Guatemala Solidarity Project!

The Guatemala Solidarity Project is accepting applications for interns and volunteers for Spring 2016. For 10 years the GSP has worked in solidarity with over 30 indigenous and peasant communities and organizations and with leaders and political prisoners in Guatemala. Interns and volunteers have played an important role in this work.

The majority of our partners are struggling against poverty, hunger and government supported repression. We follow their lead to document and denounce human rights abuses, organize human rights accompaniment, raise funds to build schools, pay emergency medical expenses resulting from government and paramilitary attacks, and for related efforts.

Together with the GSP, each intern will decide on the particular focus of their internship before it starts. This will include work hours. Total hours worked should not be less than 10 hours per week and not more than 25 hours per week. A small travel/food stipend may be available. Interns will have the opportunity to gain experience, improve their skills and support the work of the GSP in the following areas:

Website and Social Media Development

We have used our website and facebook page to help gather tens of thousands of petitions, raise funds, recruit volunteers, raise awareness about human rights conditions in Guatemala, and for numerous other purposes. Web and social media skills are increasingly important for those pursuing a career in the nonprofit field. An intern can play an important role in improving our presence in social media and on the web.

Video Editing and Production

The GSP has produced over 15 short videos about the human rights situation in Guatemala. Interns will have the opportunity to contribute to deciding on content and layout for new videos. Interns with video editing skills will have the opportunity to take the lead on creating a video using GSP interviews and material.


The GSP has monthly commitments to support political prisoners as well as children orphaned by government violence. We have also built three schools, purchased blankets, supported organic agriculture projects, and funded other efforts in our partner communities. Interns will have the opportunity to support these efforts by contributing to fund raising events, canvassing area neighborhoods, researching and writing grants, talking with previous donors and editing and writing fund raising letters.

Congressional Meetings

The GSP has participated in meetings with the offices of various members of Congress. Interns may help organize and participate in future meetings as well as assist volunteers in lobbying their members of Congress.


Interns and volunteers who are fluent in both English and Spanish can support our important work translating interviews, documents and emails.

Organizational Development

Interns will participate in discussions about the organizational development of the GSP and gain better understanding of the challenges faced by nonprofit organizations.

Writing and editing articles

The GSP has released hundreds of action alerts and articles about the human rights situation in Guatemala. Interns will participate in discussions and analysis about what topics articles should focus on. Interns will be asked to help edit and review articles. Interns with strong writing skills will be asked to write at least one article on an issue of particular interest to them.

Outreach and Petitions

Interns will be expected to help support and develop other areas of outreach. This includes the development of petitions and acquiring signatures both in person and online.


Minimum of 10 hours a week. Candidates must be able to commit to a schedule and be punctual.

Interns must be able to come to our current office located two blocks from the Potomac Avenue metro station, as well as attend other activities that will be metro accessible.  We may also consider applicants not in the DC area who are interested in video editing, translation and other work that can be done from a distance.

Strong oral and written communication skills.

Strong organizational skills.

Fluency in English and Spanish preferred but not required.

Documented interest in at least one of the following areas: Latin America, activism, human rights, peace, justice, indigenous rights, the environment, and ecology.


To apply please send cover letter and a resume to