Dear Barbara Roby,
The purpose of this letter is to request your support again for our schools, as well as to thank you for allowing us to provide primary education to hundreds of children who otherwise would not be able to attend school. I have included some pictures to show you more about the schools.
First I have a video from the community Balamche. I took this video during a recent visit in which I led a medical brigade (I am a Registered Nurse). School was not in session that day as we were focusing on health care, but the video does show the school. Balamche is one of the poorest communities we work with, and as you see the school is extremely basic with a dirt floor and no desks. We are working on securing additional funds for these, but even in these extreme conditions the community and children are extremely proud and happy to have a school.
I will post pictures from other schools below. As you can tell there are a range of conditions – most have basic desks and dirt floors. Some have more materials than others. All of the schools are very simple, yet it is amazing to see how grateful the children and their parents are. The teachers are also an inspiration to me, as they are working with large numbers of kids in different grades, with limited resources to support them, yet they continue to be dedicated to the education of their students.
I am sorry that this letter is coming much later in the year than usual. In addition to supporting our work in Guatemala and working as a Registered Nurse in the United States, I am in a full time masters program to become a Nurse Practitioner. This will permit me to make a much greater impact supporting the health needs of people in Guatemala and the United States. However it is a pretty heavy load for now so I’m afraid I have fallen behind on some things, like writing this letter to you. I deeply hope that you will be able to support these children again and that my tardiness in reaching out to you won’t be a barrier. Please feel free to call me at 202-735-9165 or email me at if you have any questions or concerns.
If you are able to support the schools, as always please write the check out to “UPAVIM Community Development Foundation” and mail to UPAVIM c/o Greg Norman,
Thank you again for your compassion and for allowing hundreds of children to receive an education.
Palmer Legare, RN BSN
Volunteer Coordinator,